Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who is your Hetalia Boyfriend


Who is YOUR Hetalia boyfriend? (Lesser Characters Version)
Rebecca's result is Gilbert Weillschmidt (Prussia)
AWESOME!!! You got Gilbert Weillschmidt, the personification of Prussia! He's kinda not a country anymore... but that doesn't stop him from being AWESOME! He's very self confident, to a point of self-obsession. There's always room for love though, and you'd be very welcome in his lonely life.

My thoughts: Awesome~ XD Makes me kinda mad they have to say lesser, but it is necessary... since, you know, main has to be Axis-Allies... *sigh* But anyways, I'm happy. I took this over a month ago, btw.

Alanna's thoughts: Cuuuuuute! :D

Alma's note: Hmph. ^///^

Alanna's response: They spelled his last name wrong. D: Beilschmidt is a legitimate name that's used in Germany, but Weillschmidt has no basis in fact. Grr.

Alma's response to the response: He's still Gilbert, he's still Prussia, so I'm happy.

Alanna: Gilbert Axe-Smith. I like it.

Alma: Do you mean that way or the other way? :P Anyways... either way, he's awesome!

Alanna: Who's Your Hetalia Guy


Hot. pervy, but has class.

My opinion: FAIL. EPIC. FAIL. It was so completely obvious that I couldn't pick the answers that really fit because IT WAS SO BLOODY TRANSPARANT ARRRGH *headkeyboard*
Raeg over! :D Over to Alma~

Alma's opinion: Pfft. Look at the result. "Hot. pervy, but has class." First, capitalization fail. Second, utter length fail. 5 FREAKIN' WORDS. 5! COUNT 'EM! F. I. V. E! Not worth the effort. And like Ala-chan said, super see-through. I manipulated it to get Prussia. (Though a couple of the answers for Prussia actually did fit, so~)

Another note from Alanna: I was too noble to manipulate the poor fail-age thingy. *gringrin*

Re-note from Alma: Pfft. Who needs nobility?

Note from Alanna: I like acting holier-than-thou. Sue me. :P Or, get Canada to yell at me~

Re-re-note from Alma: XD All right, where are the pink clothes, pink unicorns, and sparkle glitter? And add in an Edward for good measure. Here ya go, now you're Sue'd! *Shot*

Re-re-re-note from Alanna: XDDDDD *rips off Edward's balls and stuffs them down Russia's condom* Wait...what balls...? PARADOX!

Re-re-re-re-note from Alma: Isn't this getting a bit long? Over and out.

Last note from Alanna: Nooo- *cutoff*


Alanna: What do the Hetalia Characters think of you


You are very cunning and clever, and have a way with words that sometimes people just stop short and go speechless. Like you are logical, but also have condescending air, and brings about a negative message from the way you talk about others. Here's what the APH cast has to say about you:
Italy: Waaaah! They made fun of me and my pasta! Waaaaah!!!! T-T
Germany: I don't like them one bit! They think they're all big-shot just because they think they're ideas are so grand!
Japan: *Blinks* ...They're very aggressive when it comes to opinions.
America: *Bright commercial smile* I like them! ...When they agree with me, that is.
Britain: I like them! At least they're smart and intelligent and know how to speak up for themselves! I like that in a country!
France: Hmmm...sometimes I like to tease this country by turning down they're ideas, just to see how they'll react! *Grins*
Russia: *Smiles* They're so intelligent! *Evil grin* Fufufufufu...! But when I overcome they're gallantry, it'll be the end for them...!
China: Eh, they're okay. I don't dislike nor like them. But maybe if they split the riches more in my favor, I'd like them more. *Smiles*
And here's some more stuff about your country's relations:
Strengths: Smart, logical
Disadvantages: Condescending and pessimistic/negative to others
Close Ally: Britain
Acquaintances: America and Russia
Enemies: Sometimes France, sometimes America, and Germany

My -opium- OPINION: I like the quiz because it has a lot of content and canon. :) I'm trying to give an unbiased review, but it's hard! Extremely hard~

Shut up, -Francis- REBECCA...

What the main Hetalia characters think of me...


You are a very logical person, and look at things in more than just one way. You take time to prepare, and would be a very tactical country. The downside, though, is that you are sometimes a bit TOO reserved, and don't have a lot of allies as a result. Here's what the APH cast has to say about you:
Italy: Waaah, I don't know a lot about this country... Do they like pasta?
Germany: I don't know too much about this country, but by the way they talk, they sound really smart! I'd want them to be on my team!
Japan: I'm glad to have found someone who shares the same perspectives and motives as me. Perhaps we can be allies.
America: So quiet. And their information contradicts mine! *Frowns* Why don't you listen to me!?!?!
Britain: Why are they so quiet? They should seriously give their opinion on things!
France: What Britain said. (Britain: Stop copying me! *Fumes*)
Russia: *Smiles* Aw, they're so cute and quiet. *Evil grin* Eheheheheh...this country will be easy to crush with that shy and self-conscious personality...!
China: *Blinks* Wow...! They're so smart! They make so much sense!

And here's some extra info. for your country's relations:
Strengths: Logical, intelligent/smart.
Disadvantages: Too shy and introverted, and can sometimes be a bit too self-conscious about what you do and as a result can sometimes be taken advantage of because of this.
Close Ally: Japan
Acquaintances: China, Germany, and Italy
Enemies: America and Britain


My opinion: Cute. :) I'm sad that Britain is my enemy, but I'm really happy about what I got. :D Nihon is my ally, yay!